Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
Lift your eyes to my Face of Love and I will fill you with all the graces of my Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus

"Dear children, I call you again to raise your gazes to my Face of Love, which I gave you here on November 15, 1994 in my extraordinary apparition to my little son Marcos.
Lift your eyes to my Face of Love, and I will give you all the consolation, all the peace, all the love, and all the affection that your souls hunger and thirst for.
Lift up your eyes to my Face of Love, and I will fill you with all the graces of my Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, who is alive with me in this picture of my Face, in this image of my Face, and then I will transform your life into a sea, into an ocean of graces.
Lift up your gaze to my Face of Love, and I will remove from your hearts every disturbance that comes from Satan. I will give you the peace of heart, I will remove from your hearts all the turmoil that comes from attachment to worldly things, I will give you the peace that only those who desire only my son Jesus have, and then I will fill your hearts with love for my son and peace from my son, so that your life will become a flowing river of peace that will spread over the whole world, transforming this lifeless, loveless desert of hatred into an ocean of peace.
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Lift your eyes to my Face of love, and I, my children, will truly fill you with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and its fruits, above all: love, peace, and joy. And then, your life will already be a beginning of Paradise here on Earth, which after death will only continue in Heaven.
Lift up your hearts to my Face of Love. Give me your yes, renounce your own will and all that the world offers. Surrender to me, accept my plan of love, obey my messages, and I will truly transform all of you into perfect reflections and images of my Immaculate Heart.
Here, where I have given the extraordinary treasure of my Face of Love, I have revealed my goodness, my mercy, as never before on the face of the earth.
I gave my son Marcos the greatest treasure of my heart, which is my own Face of Love. And what I said, I repeat: Nobody would give his son to be kept and guarded to a person who was not worthy of his trust. If I gave my son Jesus in communion, in mystical communion to my son Marcos on November 15, 1994 and on other occasions, and if I also gave the presence of my living son in the image of my Face, it is because my son Marcos had many merits, already at that time, to receive from me this grace, the gift of my Face with the presence of my living son. He was very worthy of all these graces and over the years of many more he also became.
So, my children, rejoice in your hearts, because here, in giving the great treasure of my Face with my living son to my little son Marcos, I have given him and all of you also the greatest grace and the greatest proof of my love, my affection for all of you, but in an extraordinary way for my little son Marcos.
Make an effort! Obey my messages, suffer for me, work and struggle for me, and you will also become worthy of my graces and Jesus' graces.
Open your hearts to receive in them all the graces that my face of love holds with my son Jesus alive.
Pray more before my Face. I promise that all those who pray the Rosary and my Hour of Peace before my Face with my son Jesus alive, will receive from me eight special graces.
Pray my Rosary every day, because I promise that everyone who prays my Rosary with love will not be condemned to the fires of Hell, will be freed from Purgatory the same day he dies, and with him will also be freed the souls of eight of his relatives, if they are in Purgatory.
Pray the Rosary of Mercy, because it is the great sign given by the Son of Man before the day of justice comes. Whoever prays the Rosary of Mercy meditated, recorded by my little son Marcos, besides the forgiveness of all sins for himself, will also obtain the grace of forgiveness and mercy for all his relatives at the time of death.
I bless you all with love now: from Fatima, from Pontmain, from Loreto and from Jacareí."
Message from Our Lady after touching the holy objects presented to her:
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrive, there I will be alive taking with me the great graces of the Lord with Saint Manuel and Saint Mariel.
I bless you all again, so that you may be happy, and I say: fight for me, work for me, and you will become worthy of my graces. Nobody would entrust himself to the care of a person unworthy of his trust. If I gave my maternal face, myself alive for my son Marcos, it is because he, at that time, was already very worthy and possessed many merits, merits to have this grace.
Work for me, suffer for me, fight for me, live for me, and you will become worthy of great graces from my heart.
To all I leave my peace and bless you with love now...".
Message from Our Lady to Mr. Carlos Tadeu
"Dear son Carlos Tadeu, know that on November 15, 1994, when I revealed my Sacred Face here in Jacareí to my son Marcos and through him to the world, you received great graces from my maternal love where you were. And at the moment when my son Marcos received the body, blood, soul and divinity of my son that I gave him in mystical communion, although you were not yet his spiritual father, you received graces that now, because you are his spiritual father, you can dispose of, you can apply to yourself or to others. Therefore, whatever you ask for through the merits of that burning communion of love that my son Marcos made with my son Jesus, great graces will be granted, everything will be granted to you.
This grace I give you through the son I have given you so that you may see how great is my love for you that never tires of favoring you through the privileged soul I have entrusted to you.
I bless you with love! Thank you for all the cenacles you have made out of love for me. For your tiredness, for your fatigue, for your drudgery, for the pains, for the privations, for the renunciations, for the redoubled efforts, thank you, my son Carlos Tadeu. I bless you with love, now..."
Marcos Tadeu: "See you soon!"